What Ailments Affect Us Women the Most in Teleworking?

The new trend of the home office brought with it some ailments in the female gender; do you want to know them?.

The Woman Post | María Carolina Rivero

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Since the arrival of COVID-19, the possibility of staying at home was chosen to prevent the massive spread of the virus. However, the emergency has demanded a new era for humanity, highlighting work at home. However, it is necessary to have suitable working conditions to avoid suffering.

A study by the Oxford Academy published in the journal Advances in the Practice of Rheumatology, reveals the adverse consequences that exist during the COVID-19 lockdown. The findings show that women and men have serious musculoskeletal diseases, which affect their well-being. 52.1% said their musculoskeletal symptoms had been elevated and 88.2% expressed problems accessing medicines.

The data collected suggest that there have been negative consequences in women with musculoskeletal diseases. Therefore, special efforts are required to protect people isolated from society.

Ailments Left by the Confinement Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Women

According to Dr. Olga Pérez, a specialist in occupational health indicates diseases are caused by teleworking. They are even caused by the confinement generated by COVID-19.

-Musculoskeletal and joint injuries: Physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, lack of movement, ergonomic problems, and deterioration of vision or tired eyes headaches. These ailments trigger other diseases like overweight and obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

-Other ailments: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, pain in the lower back, Quervain syndrome (causes discomfort in the lower part of the thumb), varicose veins or spider veins, and dry eye or eye irritation.

There can be some discomfort caused by confinement and teleworking, stay alert to these diseases.


Healthy Habits That Women Must Have To Apply in Teleworking

Experts suggest healthy habits that the female gender can implement in their daily routines to achieve their well-being. These practices suggest not only physical well-being but also on an emotional level, discover what they are.

-Select a suitable place for teleworking: The space should be comfortable, with good natural lighting, supported by artificial. Away from domestic activities.

-Wear work clothes: Implements a uniform or go-out dress. It is important not to stay in the workday with sleepwear.

-Set a strict schedule and routine: The flexibility that this option gives you allows you to stay for more hours than usual. That schedule will force you to organize and prioritize the activities of the day.

-Keep moving: It is convenient to take into account breaks of 10 to 15 minutes. Take the opportunity to stretch out or even have a coffee.

-Keep an eye on your diet: A balanced diet will fortify your energy to keep working. Add protein, vegetables, vegetables, and fruits to your daily menu. That will keep you in balance, strong and healthy.

-Physical activity: The body requires daily exercise to maintain its health. Add at least 30 minutes of physical exercise focused on one part of the body into your routine.

-Work strategy: Freelancers often look for different strategies to increase their income. But, they consider the need to spend more time in front of the screens. Try to study the possibility of a balance.

-The family requires attention: Do not neglect the care of your children, take time to distract yourself with them. You can incorporate into your routine movies, directed story readings, board games. Even, make the preparation of a cake or coop-cake as a family.

In short, these ailments caused by the confinement due to COVID-19 must be treated with therapies or rehabilitation by specialists. This could eventually cause problems of various kinds in the future.

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